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FREE Book Study

Blessing or Curse, You Can Choose
by Derek Prince
Facebook: @BlessingOrCurseYouCanChoose
March 16 - October 31, 2018

In this book study, we will explore a very real and significant spiritual piece that may be serving as a block or blocks in your life.  You will discover which ones may or may not be at work in your life and how to remove them.  You will also learn how to gaurd against them in the future.


How to identify and turn your genes on and off

​"By understanding your unique genetic code you can optimize your health, prevent and even reverse disease, and live a full and vital life."
-Dr. Joseph Pizzorno, author of The Toxin Solution and the bestselling The Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine

Like me, after many years of suffering from unexplained health issues, epigenticist, Dr. Ben Lynch, discovered a root cause - "dirty" genes.  Whether you have genes that fall into the category of "born dirty" or merely "act dirty" they can cause debilitating, chronic, even life-threatening health problems.  But the good news is this, your genes may load the gun, but they don't pull the trigger.  You can learn to identify and control your genes behavior.

In Dr. Lynch's  Dirty Genes Course, he takes you through a process of practically removing blocks that can easily be applied and reep incredible health benefits.  You will be able to identify which genes are working for you or against you and even how to turn them on or off.  He provides you will the tools necessary to empower your life, health and future.

I have personally taken the Dirty Genes Course and have applied the principles to my life.  And I cannot say enough to give it the praise it deserves.  You will just have to experience it yourself.  So don't waste another minute.  Your future is waiting. 


Ever wonder why some people seem to be experiencing their full potential, and with ease, while others seem to be blocked?

And if you are in the "blocked" category - do you wonder why?

I can help you find the answers.  It's already within you! 

It isn't that others are somehow smarter, better, more talented, or just have it all together more than you.  To achieve success in life - with ease - we must be congruent in alignment with our values.

HERE'S THE SECRET INGREDIENT: Authentic self-awareness

Your self awareness is there, but it's hijaked, hidden, misplaced, lost, forgotten or reasoned away by false beliefs and expectations in ways you are partially or completely unaware of.  But deep down inside you, it's there.

Seasons, circumstances, heartaches, disappointments, and just the hustles and bustles of life over time has twisted, damaged and misaligned your true essence.  Are you running yourself ragged living life through others or conforming to the expectations of others?  Do you feel as though you've lost yourself somewhere along the way?  Do you feel overwhelmed by your routine?

I want to share with you


Can I get a drumroll, please....

1.  Exchange your story!

It's time to shed light on the false narratives.  It's time to discover the self-sabotaging beliefs and exchange them for truth - supportive beliefs.  The mind is a powerful thing.  When we change the way we think, we change our lives.

2.  Exchange your influence!

This applies to both external and internal.  This also applies to you and those around you.  I know what you are thinking.  Stay with me.  When we are able to tap into our ability to live and show up at a place of higher vibration, standing, or whatever you want to call it, we begin to exchange the influences we put out as well as what we attract.

3.  Exchange your permission!

Give yourself permission to be who you are.  You are a divinely designed creation.  Imperfections and all, you are flawless.  Give yourself permission to accept your strengths and your weaknesses - it's what makes you uniquely, beautifully and wonderfully made.  Allow yourself to be human.  Give yourself permission to forgive yourself as well as those around you.

I have developed this program with you in mind.  Why?  Because I've been where you are.  In truth, we've all been where you are and continue to face the same challenges.  The good news is you have the power and ability to live your life from the heart - living life on purpose, with purpose congruent with your deepest core values being manifested in alignment with your actions.

The next step to discovering your newfound knowledge about yourself will bring focus, clarity, and depth to your actions, habits, brainstorming, decision making, visioning, and goal-setting.  You CAN learn to align your life's priorities and actions with who you really are.


Participate, align yourself on a journey that will take you through a strategically designed system giving you access to the tools:

  • that will guide you into discovering and boosting your self-confidence and self-awareness
  • support to help walk you through the process and solidify the outcomes for long-term success
  • strategies to not identify your personal values, empower and strengthen your resolve
  • empower your ability to reconnect with your God-given intuition and dreams
  • draw out the thieves - the internal and external problematic influences, makers of mischief, authors of confusion, etc. (you'll be able to identify, cancel and arrest putting an end to the vast majority if not all while equipping you with the ability to nip little nuances before they turn into bigger problems)  

Coming Soon